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by Stellar Tech

Hello, I'm Stéphanie

Je suis une jeune maman qui adore partager le quotidien de ma petite famille sur Instagram 😊

J’aime cuisiner, découvrir de nouveaux endroits tels que des restaurants ou hôtels, les sorties en famille, les promenades,… On est une famille toute simple qui partage tout simplement la vraie vie !

Belgian content creator and influencer,
specialized in Food & beverages


I have 4748 followers on my Instagram account.

My audience interacts with my content at an average engagement rate of 0.31908009496456


On average, I post about 3.25
times per week.

I love to post about Food & beverages and the following topics:

  • Family & Kids



My audience is mainly coming from BE.

You can find my full API-powered demographics on my Creatorz media kit.


I often use the following hashtags when I post:

#mamandebelgique, #mamanbelge, #famillebelge, #familledebelgique, #onjoueaquoi, #jeudesociete, #madeinbelgium, #paques, #jeudereflexion, #activiteenfant

The following channels are also available
on Stéphanie's Creatorz media kit

Stéphanie's top posts

Post Image
804 93
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681 12
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639 37
Post Image
624 35

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